In May 2023, the association 'Kultur Weberei' was established to manage a cultural centre, housed in a former weaving factory. This centre aims to promote subcultural activities and youth culture in Telfs, Tyrol (AT) offering young artists easy access to a supportive environment. Admission is donation-based with no compulsory consumption, ensuring that cultural access remains possible for everyone.
The name 'Weberei' is not only tied to its location but also carries symbolic significance. Just as a fabric is woven from many individual threads, the organisation seeks to connect and interweave the diverse facets of society in Telfs and the surrounding region, creating a rich tapestry of cultural diversity.
The Weberei aspires to be a modular space, inspired by the approaches like f.e. Neuwirt in Wattens and the p.m.k in Innsbruck. Its cultural programme is designed collaboratively, shaped by various initiatives and dedicated individuals, encompassing multiple disciplines, cultures and media.
Alongside its own extensive programme - which includes live concerts, film nights, literature cafés, and creative workshops - the Kultur Weberei is open to other regional associations for their events. Creativity knows no bounds here; the Weberei is a place where anything is possible.
Opening of Kultur Weberei
Opening of Kultur Weberei
Opening of Kultur Weberei
Opening of Kultur Weberei
Opening of Kultur Weberei