The Rural Commons Festival is a practice and a celebration that aims to explore the open concept of rural commons by sharing competences and connecting experiences in different fields (e.g. landscape and natural resources management, food production, critical and design thinking, rural heritage, culture and art). The Festival directs the attention on rural areas of Italy and Europe, which have a long tradition of collective management of natural and built resources and of cooperative models of economy, but which are also showing emerging collective practices of care for the communities, their livelihoods practices and habitats. Commons can be defined as collective responses and practices to shared needs and desires expressed by a community through self organization and shared “rules”. This concept might refer to different fields such as local economy, landscape, habitat, spatial, social, cultural and natural resources. Due to the historical relevance of the commons as a way for the community to self organize and their great future potential as a framework for the regenerative livelihood of societies,livelihood practices and habitats of rural areas, there is the need to link and create synergies among the different academic fields and the non-academic and practitioner world, to enable a concerted recognition of the power of the commons for the present and the future of rural regions.
With its transdisciplinary perspective, the Rural Commons Festival aims at becoming a moment of encounter, exchange, and joy especially in this time of forced distance due to the pandemic. The idea is to reconnect old and new practices, to learn by doing, to explore new methods and tools of a collective care of different rural areas. In its first edition “Da ovest a est” in May and June 2021, after an intense process of co-design among 35 associations, enterprises, academic institutions and administrations that started in September 2020, the Rural Commons Festival has been a journey from the Western to the Eastern mountain valleys of Trentino in Italy, integrating different activities such as an itinerant symposium, explorative walks, events, talks, construction workshops, and revitalizing abandoned or unused places, which returned to be cultural, artistic and meeting points in the occasion of the Festival. The idea was to present innovative experiences, studies and research on spatial transformation, communities and (caring) economies, social innovation, and invisible practices that are already proposing alternative visions for the future of these rural contexts.
REAPPROPRIATION: In Giudicarie, the association Camposaz transformed the abandoned courtyard of the Campo Lomaso Convent into a space for the community who can finally reappropriate this place for new common uses. © Rural Commons Festival
RE-USE: The association Camposaz deals with collaborative construction workshops. They accompanied the whole festival proposing, with their installations, the reuse of unused spaces, such as the Campo Lomaso in Giudicarie. © Rural Commons Festival
SHARING: Planting a tree in Campo Lomaso as an intergenerational action bringing together the various actors of the festival: the administration, the eco-museum and the young generations. © Rural Commons Festival
CONVIVIALITY: A special cocktail was developed by “Comunità Frizzante” for the festival, the “Pulp Frizz”. This and many other elements helped creating a convivial and relaxed atmosphere that is part of the commons philosophy. © Marco Rauzi for Rural Commons Festival
CELEBRATION: The Masetto in the Terragnolo valley hosted the “Regole”, played by the local tourist association to stage the rural community’s rules in the past. © Marco Rauzi for Rural Commons Festival
LAUGHS: After months of health emergency due to Covid 19, the festival meant also fun and celebration, sharing and enjoying social life. © Marco Rauzi for Rural Commons Festival
CO-HABITATION: During the construction lab with Camposaz, participants worked and lived together transforming the habitat around them. © Rural Commons Festival
CONTAMINATION: With the common map, an idea of Vivian Rustige and Nicole Faiella (UNIBZ), the festival participants joined in sharing ideas on the territories and initiatives they visited and to create fruitful contamination processes among the valleys. © Francesca Dusini
NETWORK: The Masetto (in the picture), Campo Lomaso in Giudicarie and La Foresta in Vallagarina, worked as hubs for the creation of networks between the diverse communities gravitating around the festival: the local communities, the commoners, the researchers, the participants to Camposaz. © Francesca Dusini
REOPENING: The Cava Manica in Rovereto has been reopened as part of the RCF initiative. This former mine was dismissed and not accessible anymore until the event. © Nicole Faiella, drone photo.
© Nicole Faiella, drone photo.